We are moving!!!
Hello everyone, today is an exciting day, we are moving!!! We have been staying at a hostel called the Lime house for the past 3 nights.
Anya will update you more on this in a series we will start called Deja View, an old posting written again.
We are moving into the Milhouse, we actually saw people walking around with Milhouse shirts, no thank you. I can´t say much as we havn´t seen the place but I imagine it will be pretty amazing, as it is an old mansion fixed up into a hosel, there are some 100 rooms and little old us, the RADS, will two of its occupants for 3 nights then off onto our cruise. With the mistake I wrote about in my past entry we will begin some new and interesting ways to make you more interactive with us and enjoy our sharing time. miss you all.
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