The Pisac Market = Chaos!

Sundays in the village of Pisac are known for one thing and one thing only... THE MARKET! We decided that we should make our way there early in the morning to try and beat all the busses that come with hordes of tourists from Cuzco... So we woke up refreshed from our long sleep... and a little sore from the hard day of riding before... and started on our way to Pisac, we jumped on a bus and rode for about an hour. When we got to Pisac we started to explore and found out that the market was absolute chaos! It was huge, and you could forsure get lost!! We started in the section where you could find all types of food! We treated ourselves to fresh squeezed Orange Juice, and then walked about... there was chicken, fish, onions, peas

(Jeremia Loves peas and bought two huge bags, all the old Peruvian ladies were laughing at him because he was eating them raw... something they had never seen before!) mangos, grapes, avacados, every kind of spice, pineapples, apples, ginger, mushrooms, fresh herbs, and many more things I could not even put a name to if I tried! There wre also ladies selling pigments, to make your own paint! I deffinalty bought some,and am evry excited to start panting when I get home! THe market also consistied of every handi craft imaginable! So we did end up buying a few little things... well maybe not little, I think we will have to buy a new bag to bring ervything home in... oops! Anyways we had a great morning in Pisac and arrived back to Cuzco last night.
And today, sadly is our last day here, we start the long trek home tomorrow, a bitter sweet day for both of us it will be. As for today we plan to see some other ruins close to town here, and then just enjoy the last little bit of Peru... Cafe in the Plaza perhaps, stealing just one more look at the Beautiful Andes that surround the city... it wil be a good day!
Even though you are home, you should still update your blog because that is how exciting i think your lives are!!!
7:09 PM PDT
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