We are moved in!! Home Edition

Our lovely home has seen a lot of change, from a dirt pile as the only kid on the block to part of a neighborhood with parks, little children playing, sports cars and green green grass. If you were un-aware my family begun building a house last September and finally we have moved in to the upstairs. It has been a long haul, from -25 and pulling wires to rain out days before the roof was up. But through and through it was exciting. One of the best parts was working with my parents over the past year and just as cool was teaching Anya to become the master roofer and the foremost expert tiling. Just the other day she installed our bathroom mirror, so exciting. She still doesn't like using the air framing nailer but that’s okay, I love it. Now that we have a home we are expecting to have a good time with company so come on by to a place where the tea is always warm, the coffee is always dark and the smiles are more than free but plentiful. Well gotta run, I have a tree waiting to be planted....
Jer of the RADS
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