Beautiful Argentina

Many of you may not have read all the info about B.A. that was on here a cuple days ago, but it was lost when Jer erased everything, and so I will begin again! We have been here for four days now, and we re really enjoying it, we are seeing many of the old buildings and churches, we visited the graveyard for all th rich and famous yeasterday... this included Evitas grave, so that was a highlight forsure.
One of our favorite things here are the cafes, there are so many of them and the coffee is really good, many men sit and talk for hours, discussing the problems of the world, and of course playing chess all at the same time!
We also feel very safe here, the streets are crowded at all times, even when we finish dinner around midnight... it is busy on the streets, people here eat very late not starting until 9 or 10 at night, it is very interesting... and we are joining in on the custom of eating late, and staying up late too, it seems here everything open at noon, so you might as well sleep in!
well thats all for now... chao
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