What we havn't been tellin you....
Over the last few weeks or more we, the rads, have been having alot of fun and have not been filling you in with the details.
To start with about 4 weeks ago SABC had their high school retreat. It was a blast, and I Jeremia was able to teach some young adults how to crochet a touque as well as intoduce everyones tastebuds to a delectable morsal like none other....Prairie Oysters.
Next I want the World to know about the best student teacher in the World, that is Mrs. RAD. Or as the little kids say Mrs. Fancy, or Raddelanpsy, or Radvansssss.....it is funny to hear little grade ones trying to say Mrs. Radvanszky's last name...ha ha. Here are some beautiful pictures that her class did for Art.
This is a snowplow that one of Anya's students drew with pastels. Anya had an amazing story about the different things snowplows do and how the people driving them keep the roads safe for drivers...very cool
Anya taught her students about snowflakes and symetry, this is one that a student made with vegitable stamps and paint, very beautiful
Next special event was going up to Red Deer and seeing Rudy, our grade 12 brother win Provincials. This weekend was amazing with Calgary Christian not loosing even a single set. You may be thinking to yourself, wow, thats pretty good, except that there is more. This was a David vs. Goliath provincials. You see Calgary Christian is a 2A school, meaning they have less that 300 students. Provincials was against the 4A schools, which are larger than 1000 students, some of the teams that Calgary Christian played had over 2500 students. Now I think you can see how amazing this team is. 16 strait sets without a loss. Part of the enjoyment was that some parents put in money and bought t-shirts for everyone cheering for Calgary Christian, in the end there were more than 130 people in green cheering. By far we were the dominant volleyball team.
Look at Anya The Proud Sister
Then about 2 weeks ago I, being Jeremia, continued on with a tradition that has been ongoing for many years now, actually this is the 5th annual Jeremia Christmas tree hunt. But I was able to bring my Wife this time and two other friends. It was fun snowshoeing around Beaver mines and pulling the three trees out of the bush. We have the largest at about 9 feet, Becky has the next at 7 feet and Richard has the smallest at about 4 feet tall, only strong enough to hold up two strings of lights, very fun.
Richard with his little tree, shoulder height
This is us with our tree right behind us, gotta love those organic Christmas trees, a little less full but all character
Also durning that -27 degree stretch I continued to bike to school every day, but had to make some minor adjustments, most noticable is the ski helmet in place of the bike helmet, the googles replacing my sun glasses and not present in this picture are the snow pants and boots. It was fun in the cold when dressed up.

About 2 weeks ago we also went to visit a friends family up in Wetaskwin and Jeremia snowmachined for the first time, hours and hours of fun were enjoyed in the frigid north.
An ongoing event in our life has been Elliot, our new well not so new anymore kitten. We got him at about 2 months old, small enough to fit in one hand, now he is growing and about 4 months old, loves to fight, climb, eat your toes, pounce on your head from ontop of the couch and play in anything that krinkles...Jer used to call him Rusty Nails because he crapped on all of our curtains...A quote from Jer, "crazy little punk, he's as anoying as a Rusty nail in your foot, hence his name for Elliot. Jer has come to love him and even lets Elliot sit in his lap while he was studying for Finals

A sneak picture of Anya and Elliot, what a cute couple.
Most Recent is Jeremia bringing in the Christmas season with a pan on his head playing Starwars with Payton and Cole, what a funny buch those three.

Well that is about all for our life over the past month, glad we could write and hopefully eveyone has a Merry Christmas and a Happy new Year. Remember the reason for the Season.