Feature of the Week!
Well, I sometimes think that I have a lot of friends and one of them is in "New Media" here at the University of Lethbridge. This young and SINGLE man has some talents and our feature of the week goes out to him, Mr. Brendan Coffeey (don't make the mistake of spelling his name COFFEE).
He is very special to my heart because he is presently in my small group, I have seen him in action out at camp as a counselor in 2005, gone to concerts, YQ and am in a Math class with him. Lets all get to know this fantastic guy a little better.
Brendan likes to take nice strolls in the river bottom as you can see him here walking down the tressel train bridge. He likes to wear hats that are Red, colorful shoes and dark clothing, a little mysterious I would say. I think that Brendan has also had an injury like an attack by a heard of black bears as a child that disfigured his face, becasue he always has a smile, that can't be normal.***
Where you can find Brendan on any given night.
Well on Thursday nights he works the post-supper pre-night shift at VHQ on University drive, so if you want a great recomendation on a movie he's your man. On Wednesday evenings he is a sponsor for Jr. High youth group, it takes a special man to work with Jr. Highs, and on the other evenings....well as I said this is the get to know you edittion, and that is all I know.
If you would like to know more about this outstanding batchelor just follow the link to his growing webpage where there are movies he has created and pictures he has taken and made. Well for this weeks feature it has been a joy getting to know Brendan a little better, ta ta for now, te te for later
J rad
***All things said about Brendan Coffey are true except the black bear thing, as he has no concious memory that far back and no scars on his face to prove or disprove the non-maybe-a-little-fictious claim
Wow, this Brendan guys sounds great. To bad I am taken. However, I do have a 2 single roomates. How old is this guy? I have one roomate who is 18 and another who is 20. Im thinking Bethany would be a good choice and he can find her at youth on Wednesday. Good times. We should hang out sometime soon. Talk to you soon.
2:03 PM PST
Happy Birthday Jer!
9:24 PM PST
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