Well our house is done and as I was looking back at some of the pictures I got a little teary eyed today, the house and me had alot of good memories, black fingers and bumped heads while in the rafters. I have added some photos taken from framing. The skeleton of our house, so fun.
Hey Jeremia
Framing is my favourite part of construction, too bad it seems to be over so quickly, and then things like insulation and drywall come along.
Now that i've been directed to your blog (via danielle) i'll have to keep up with your postings.
2:54 PM PST
Hey moose, matt, good to hear from you? What is up with you and are you ever going to be coming out to the promised land here in alberta? I don't remember your e-mail, is it still tamweth, or something like that...well, so good to hear from you, maybe you could come this Christmas some time and we could go on a little road trip again to save some ladies...jer
10:43 PM PST
Yeah, that was a fun trip up to Fernie, Jer. I'm not sure when i'll next be out, seems like there's always lots going on. My email's still tamweth at gmail dot com. Ask Anja if she remembers what happened when she was filling up your car with gas, i think it was at fort mcleod. She was talking and not concentrating on the gas ;)
Well, hopefully i'll be able to make the trip out sometime soon jeremia. Until then, stay out of trouble.
5:24 PM PST
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