THE RADS: September 2006

Anya and Jeremia

Friday, September 22, 2006

What my Friends are reading

A little while ago I asked people to write and inform me as to what they are reading while they are on the toilet. Some responses have been, the weekly Future Shop flyer, to the plain old ads, "because I don't get the newspaper", some are reading Lord of the Rings books, but my favorite was from my friend Jan, who sits and reads the shampoo bottles. Thanks for taking time to write and if you still want to add to the survey you are more than welcome to.

Have a great day and if you have a question as to what's the best hair product, you can ask Jan.


Wednesday, September 20, 2006

How we love the Fort!!

We would love to tell the world how wonderful SABC is and through this blog we are able to do that. Today I updated some more pictures of our experience at the Fort. So many amazing things happened this year while we were the directors. To start with the staff that we had was truly amazing, and everyday it was a joy to work beside them as they taught the Love of God and showed it to the campers here at the Fort.

I love to see the pictures of campers and staff that are not posed, because they show a real sense of fun, excitement and enjoyment. The pictures added are from these moments, of caught on the camera fun. Just check out the smiles and laughs and pure crazyness. It was a "Fancampingtastic!!" summer. We sure do miss our summer, but life back home is more than exciting and full of fun, as we finish our house, coach at youth group, start dancing lessons and bike to school every day in the rain, snow, and wind.

Have a great day and try listening to CBC a little today, it just might bring a smile to your face

Don't forget to click the link to the Fort Photos

the rads

Thursday, September 14, 2006

To Read or not to Read...

So I was wodnering as I put the cream cheese onto my poppy seed bagel, what do people read? And not only what do they read but do they read different things while they are sitting on the toilet? I want to conduct a survey to find out what the world is reading on the lou. So please write in the comment section what you are reading, be it the newspaper, a book or an instruction manual let me know, also if you feel it, you can send a picture of what you are reading to Now lets keep this G rated I don't want to see any photos of you reading on the toilet, only what you are reading while on the toilet. Lets see how big we can make this servey, send a link to all your friends and get them involved as well.

Well happy trails, excellent reading, and don't put your finger through the toilet paper


Thursday, September 07, 2006

Some much anticipated photos of the Fort

Well, if you have been checking out the blog you may know that we like to add pictures. But there has been a serious shortage of summer photos from Camp. But have no fear I have put a nice handful, or two, or three handfuls up tonight, check out the link for the Fort Photos. And don't forget to check out Camps webpage as well.

Have a good night


Wednesday, September 06, 2006

University, dun dun duhhhh

Well today was a day that I found out I am mature. I was speaking with some second year students and they were comenting on how they love to see the jitters that the first year students have. After awile they asked how old I was, I said 25 and they almost apologiezed for me. It was funny, some of them right away commented that they had some other mature students that were 26, 27 and 28 in some of their classes last year. So funny, I am mature because I am in University and 25 mwa ha ha ha.

I think I am going to start a club for those that are still finishing off their degrees and are not 19 years old. Any that want to join e-mail at my reactionary fan club,

ta ta for now, te te for later, jeremia, the Mature student

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

We are moved in!! Home Edition

Our lovely home has seen a lot of change, from a dirt pile as the only kid on the block to part of a neighborhood with parks, little children playing, sports cars and green green grass. If you were un-aware my family begun building a house last September and finally we have moved in to the upstairs. It has been a long haul, from -25 and pulling wires to rain out days before the roof was up. But through and through it was exciting. One of the best parts was working with my parents over the past year and just as cool was teaching Anya to become the master roofer and the foremost expert tiling. Just the other day she installed our bathroom mirror, so exciting. She still doesn't like using the air framing nailer but that’s okay, I love it. Now that we have a home we are expecting to have a good time with company so come on by to a place where the tea is always warm, the coffee is always dark and the smiles are more than free but plentiful. Well gotta run, I have a tree waiting to be planted....

Jer of the RADS