THE RADS: the Night I (Jermia) killed our doG?!?!

Anya and Jeremia

Monday, February 26, 2007

the Night I (Jermia) killed our doG?!?!

It all started on a quiet Sunday evening. We had a wonderful weekend with a visit from our Oma and Opa Verhoeff. A weekend of food, drink, merriment and games. To set the stage I want to express that my wife Anya is a wonderful cook and makes most things from scratch and very healthy.

This was one of those occasions as she bought a roasted chicken cut and prepared the meat for a wonderful chicken noodle soup. Her cooking is always to die for, but usually not literally. You see after cleaning up from the weekend I managed to leave the garbage out after I was done. And as I am thoroughly into reading Harry Potter I thought I would sit down for a moment and read, well one moment passed to another and after about 30 minutes of moments I went to steep a tea but to my surprise there was garbage everywhere. To this was Anya's shock that Boof Verhoeff, (the Dogs name) had eaten the entire carcass of the chicken including the bones. It was weird as a cold sweet came over me in a helpless understanding of what an entire skeleton would do to the insides of a dog, so I called up all the 24 hr pet hospitals and asked what would happen to the dog and what I could do.

Are you ready for this....well I will finish my tragic tale when I get back from class.....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I JUST finished the last Harry Potter book (Half Blood Prince), I'm so mad about how it ended (I won't ruin it for you) which book are you on... hope the dog's ok... wait.. you didn't REALLY kill the dog did you!?

6:32 PM PST

Blogger Anya and Jeremia said...

hello darrick, I didn't reallly kill our dog, it just seemed like I would with all the things we were doing to it. for potter I am 80 pages left on the half blood prince... well later dude good hearing from you

7:32 AM PST

Anonymous Anonymous said...

that is quite the long class you've got Jeremia, it's not healthy to keep people in suspense for so long...

7:31 AM PST

Blogger Susan said... dramatic. What will happen?

8:13 PM PST

Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, is Boof Verhoeff a gonner?

7:41 AM PST

Anonymous Anonymous said...

that is one long 6 day class Jer. Stop leaving everyone in suspense and finish the story! :)

1:18 PM PST

Anonymous Anonymous said...

that is one long 6 day class Jer. Stop leaving everyone in suspense and finish the story! :)

1:18 PM PST

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said.

8:41 PM PST


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