My First Birthday.... Since 25
Well this last week was one for me to reflect on how old I have become. For some I am just a young buck but as I have heard over the years I am getting old. When I turned 20 I entered the old man club as my punk Jr. High kids said, then at 25, the song that people were singing was another one bites the dust. But now that it is my 1st birthday since 25 things seem to be going a little better.
It all started at 5:30 am with breakfast in bed, which is a Verhoeff tradition.

Throughout the day I had more little special memories like my 5 year old gymnastics class all singing me happy birthday infront of all the manly male gymnasts...ahhh. That evening Anya and I had dinner with my parents and I was given the most amazing Birthday cake in the world.

A Lord of the Rings cake with Ents (talking and walking trees), Frodo, Aragorn, Elves, Orcs, and many other things on it. Truly amazing and my favoritest (I am so happy I use made up words) in the entire Universe.

I don't know if things are better on birthdays because I am now 1 or because I am married or because of amazing cakes but my 1st birthday since I was 25 was a sweet dream of a birthday.
Thats all for now, can't wait till I'm 2....