Boof is a Gonner :~(
Well I know it has been some time since I have told the tale of our poor misfortunate friend, Boof Verhoeff. As of late the Dr. was telling me the next steps in bringing up the chicken from the bloated belly of Boof.

You have to have the dog drink a quarter cup of Hydrogen Peroxide...

Well we didn't have one so I got Anya to hold a measuring cup over the dogs mouth as I pulled on her bottom jaw wrestling with the dog as we tried to fill her mouth and have her drink without me letting go. All this did was have Boof cough and spit Peroxide all over me and the kitchen. What were we going to do? Then I remembered that we had some syringes left over from when I had to give our cat some vaccinations. But the problem was that our syringes were only 12cc. That is 1/16 of a cup. Well we had to get Boof's insides out and this was our ticket home.
Once again I pulled Boof's jaws open Anya filled the syringe up and jabbed it to the back of her throat. But once was not enough we had to do this 3 more times. All I can say is wrestling an 80 pound dog wet with Hydrogen Peroxide while prying open its mouth isn't what I call a day at the Rodeo.
After about 5 minutes of this we waited. And to our surprise every time Boof would like her lips her tongue was a little more yellow. I guess the peroxide was bleaching out her mouth. tick tock, tick tock, tick tock, the minutes seemed to creep along as we waited. I decided we better take Boof for a walk. Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock. Nothing was happening and it had been 4o minutes...I didn't want to give her more, I didn't know what to do.
So we locked her in the Studio downstairs and I read her some Harry Potter. Another 20 minutes went by and I was getting worried, what was I to do, so I went up stairs to ask Anya and by the time I got downstairs there was the dog munching on a huge white frothy pile of dog stomach acids, hydrogen peroxide chicken bones and whatever else was in her stomach. I quickly pulled her away to keep her from re-eating everything she had just exhumed. Poor old Boof had been saved...hip hip hurray, hip hip hurray.
And right by her side was her trusty companion Elliot the cat. Comforting Boof on her nights adventure....what a good cat.
For the next few weeks Boof and the cat played all day, a new lively skip was to be seen when Boof was chasing the cat, she seemed to be much younger and would play harder and cuddle closer. It seemed almost as if boof was catching up on something, perhaps the last bit of life that was left in her. She knew the end was near.
Well boof is gone now but not forever she will be remembered by the Radvanszky's (Jeremia, Anya, and Elliot the cat) and every time we think of her it will be happy thoughts. A tear will be shed in the absence of that sweet old dog, until we go and visit her up in Calgary where she is now with Anya's parents, oh, I bet you thought she was dead, sorry, no, just gone from our doggy sitting care. Ah, it sure feels good to have saved Boof Verhoeff's life. Thank you for following along
If you read this before I get home tonight you won't see the pictures of the real Boof, I will add them to this post again tonight.